Thursday, October 6, 2016

J.S.C ENGLISH 1st and 2nd (paper)r

Dear students,

Your final exam is coming soon. So you should not have late more. A good result can make your life better. I hope you have taken a better preparation.


J.S.C English First Paper (EXAM 2016)

Part-A. Reading Test (Marks-60)

1.      Bangladeshi cuisine is rich……………life of Bangladeshi people.
2.      River gypsies are an ethnic …………by magic or special powers
3.       Samira’s miseries started……………a famous designer.
4.       Thousands of years ago, the……………in the battle for good luck
5.      The ethnic people in Bangladesh ……………the Garos in Mymensingh.
6.      Communication of ideas is at……………how paper has change our life
7.      Folk songs……………with these songs..
8.     . The word ‘Hygiene’ means the practice……………lead a healthy and happy life.
9.      Human beings have invented……………exactly who made the first wheel?
10. . Health is the condition of our……………worry over small things of life.

Unseen Passage

  1. Bangladesh is an independent ………………………
  2. Zoynul Abedin …………………………
  3. Jibananda Das………………………
  4. Abul Kasem Fazlul Haque………………..
  5. Mount Everest………………….
  6. Nelson Mendala…………………….
  7. Dr. Mohammad Sahidullah………………………..
  8. Begum Rokeya………………….
  9. Our nation poet Kazi Nazrul Islam………………
  10. The Novel Prize………………………….

Part-B: Writing Test (Marks-40)

1.      Write a dialogue between two friends about a cricket match.
3.      Write a dialogue between two friends about importance of Tree Plantation.
5.      Write a dialogue between two friends about importance of learning English
6.      .
7.      Write a dialogue between two friends about importance of reading newspaper.
9.      Write a dialogue between two friends about preparation for J.S.C exam.
10.  Write a dialogue between you and doctor.
11.  Write a dialogue between two friends about your aim in life.
Paragraph (marks 10)

1.     A Tea Stall

2.     Street Accident

3.      Environment Pollution

4.      A School Magazine

5    A School Library

6.      A Book Fair

7.      Load shedding

8.  Tree Plantation

9.   Traffic Jam

Completing Story (marks 10)
1.      Slow and Steady Wins the Race

2.      The wonderful goose

3.      Two friends and a bear

4.      Failure is the pillar of success

5.      None trusts a lair

6.      A fox without tail

7.    Quarreling

8.   An honest wood cutter

Writing Informal Letter (marks 10)

[Read attentively if want to make a good result in English. You should remember that “The more you read the more you learn”]

1.      Write a letter to your father telling him about your preparation for the J.S.C Examination.

2.      Write a letter to your friend describing the picnic.

3.      Write a letter to your friend about a terrible accident.

4.      Write a letter to your friend about the Annual prize giving ceremony of your school.

5.      Write a letter to your friend describing the bad effect of smoking.

6.      Write a letter to your friend advising the importance of reading newspaper.

7.      Write a letter to your friend thanking him for the birthday present
8.     Write a letter to your friend thanking him for his hospitality.

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